Each month, the Venice Chamber of Commerce features members in the Member Spotlight Email Blast. The Tribe Project was featured in the February 2021 spotlight! Are you a member that would like to be featured? Email info@venicechamber.net to sign up.
Interview with Scott Marintsch, Founder & Executive Director
The Tribe Project is a 501c3 nonprofit creativity accelerator & transformational art space based in Venice Beach that strives to be a haven for authentic, genuine human expression. Leveraging synergy of scale, we help entrepreneurial-spirited artists collaborate through experimentation with composition, innovative storytelling & community engagement for the unearthing of creative vision.
How are you adapting? We are very COVID-conscious and we believe in protect & respect! 2020 has been a tough year for everyone as we focus on the health, safety & unity of our community so we’ve been doing what we can while being sensitive to the current conditions. We hosted a virtual artist accelerator program in 2020 for three artists in addition to an artist showcase event where a painter created live over the course of two weeks at a studio in Venice. People had the opportunity to safely spectate from outside through a giant window and watch him work on three canvases which turned out awesome. We’ve also started a project to digitize an artist’s archives going back to the ’80s which is an ongoing project however a great one for quarantine since it’s mostly just interfacing with old tapes and photographs!
How are you helping support the community? The Tribe Project is obsessed with helping artists and community members find their own authentic voice, tackle their own unique obstacles and traverse through their phases of creative self-discovery. We believe in the value of living your own ‘hero’s journey’ and narrative rather than living secondhand through others by way of consumerism and escapism. At The Tribe Project, our vision is to inspire consumerists to become creators and then provide creators with the elbow room necessary for authentic, artistic expression.
Good news to share: There is light at the end of this tunnel and we can’t wait to get back to hosting in-person events and fundraisers! And while we’re on the topic, we need help from our community! All financial contributions map directly to the mission of our organization and we appreciate all support! Donate at: www.thetribeproject.org/donate
Words of wisdom/advice: How about a quote? This one really resonated with me through the pandemic and a reminder that awareness can throttle anxiety and depression: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ― Viktor E. Frankl
Ask for the community: One thing I’ve learned in the nonprofit space is that you can’t be afraid to ask lol YES! Please donate and contribute at www.thetribeproject.org/donate 🙂
Location: Venice, CA | Website: www.thetribeproject.org | Email: scott@thetribeproject.org | Instagram: @TribeVenice | Facebook: @TribeVenice